The last time you had dinner with your family was a hard experience. It wasn’t because your family was having a hard time getting along. The issue was the noise, which was making it hard to hear anything. So you weren’t able to have very much meaningful conversation with any members of your family. The whole experience was extremely aggravating. You feel like the room’s acoustics played a big part. But you can’t entirely discount the possibility that perhaps your hearing is beginning to go bad.
It’s not typically recommended to try to self diagnose hearing loss because it generally isn’t possible. But you should pay attention to some early warning signs. When enough of these red flags spring up, it’s worth scheduling an appointment to get examined by us.
Early Signs of Hearing Loss
Some of the indications of hearing loss are subtle. But you could be going through some degree of hearing loss if you find yourself recognizing some of these signs.
Some of the most common early signs of hearing impairment may include:
- When you’re in a noisy crowded place, conversations often get lost. In the “family dinner” illustration above, this exact thing happened and it’s definitely an early warning sign.
- You experience some ringing in your ears: Ringing in your ears is called tinnitus (and, actually, tinnitus can be other sounds also: thumping, buzzing, screeching, humming, and so on). Tinnitus is often an early warning sign of hearing loss, but not always so if your ears are ringing, a hearing test is most likely in order.
It’s Time to Get a Hearing Examination
Regardless of how many of these early warning signs you might experience, there’s really only one way to recognize, with confidence, whether your hearing is going bad: get a hearing test.
In general, even one of these early warning signs could be evidence that you’re developing some type of hearing impairment. A hearing assessment will be able to tell what level of impairment, if any, exists. And then you’ll be better equipped to get the best treatment.
This will make your next family gathering a lot smoother and more enjoyable.